
当前位置:首页 > 技术支持 > 食用、食品类 > 美国食品化学品法典(FCC)第五版(2004)《食品添加剂硫酸钙》(英文版)强制标准


来源:磊鑫石膏 发布时间:2016-02-02 15:38:38 点击次数:4563次

Calcium Sulfate



    CaSO4                        Formula wt, anhydrous 136.14

    CaSO4·2H2O                   Formula wt, dihydrate 172.18

    INS: 516                      CAS: anhydrous [7778-18-9]

                                  CAS: dihydrate [10101-41-4]



Calcium Sulfate occurs as a fine, white to slightly yellowwhitepowder. It is anhydrous or contains two molecules ofwater of hydration.

Function  Nutrient; yeast food; dough conditioner; firmingagent; sequestrant.


Identification  Dissolve about 200 mg of sample by warmingit with a mixture of 4 mL of 2.7 hydrochloric acid and16 mL of water. A white precipitate forms when 5 mL of  ammonium oxalate TS is added to 10 mL of the solution.Upon the addition of barium chloride TS to the remaining 10 mL, a white precipitate forms that is insoluble in hydrochloricand nitric acids.

Assay  Not less than 98.0% of CaSO4, calculated on the  dried basis.

Fluoride  Not more than 0.003%.

Lead  Not more than 2 mg/kg.

Loss on Drying  Anhydrous: Not more than 1.5%; Dihydrate:Between 19.0% and 23.0%.

Selenium  Not more than 0.003%.


Assay  Dissolve 250 mg of sample, accurately weighed, in 100 mL of water and 4 mL of 2.7 hydrochloric acid, boilto effect solution, and cool. While stirring, preferably with a  magnetic stirrer, add about 30 mL of0.05 M disodium EDTA from a 50-mL buret, then add 25 mL of 1 Nsodium hydroxide  and 300 mg of hydroxy naphthol blue indicator, and continue  the titration to a blue endpoint. Each milliliter of0.05 M

disodium EDTA is equivalent to 6.807 mg of CaSO4.

Fluoride  Determine as directed under Fluoride Limit Test,    Appendix IIIB, using1.67 gof sample, accurately weighed.

Lead  Determine as directed in the APDC Extraction Method  under Lead Limit Test, Appendix IIIB.

Loss on Drying  Determine as directed under Loss on Drying, Appendix IIC, drying a sample to constant weight at 250°.

Selenium  Determine as directed in Method II under Selenium Limit Test, Appendix IIIB, using a 200-mg sample.

Packaging and Storage  Store in well-closed containers.





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